The Festival will take place over three days: 22nd, 23rd and 24th April 2024, during which there will be interchange workshops in the mornings between the various schools, with children and young people divided into septennia, as well as rehearsals in the theatre (Teatro del Popolo in Colle Val d'Elsa) for the classes and groups that will perform in the afternoons and evenings. After the lunch break, there will be concert lectures, Eurythmy performances by the various classes of the schools present and by the Italian and foreign eurythmy academies, as well as dialogues on pedagogical and Eurythmy themes, and then closing each evening with performances by eurythmy artistic groups of national or international importance.
The event aims to encourage the creation of an interchange between the schools that practise Eurythmy in Italy and to promote it as an art of social transformation, but also to deepen technical, pedagogical and didactic aspects related to the development of Eurythmy and finally to show and share experiences of innovation and development of Eurythmy. In this way, we want to foster the creation of a network for a healthy confrontation in the field of Eurythmy, giving schools and all the children and young people who attend them the opportunity to share their Eurythmy performances with a wider audience, treading the stage of a real theatre. It is hoped that through the various performances and workshops a climate of sharing will be created between the classes of the different schools, generating new relationships and awakening a new interest in Eurythmy as an art.