About us
The Euritmia Mediterranea ETS Association is a non-political, non profit organisation that pursues civic, solidarity and socially useful aims, with the main purpose of contributing to the development and improvement of self-awareness and human relations, activating and reawakening expressive and relational processes that allow personal growth and favour the discovery, care and development of individual resources and potential.
Our Mission
The Association promotes the knowledge, understanding, practice and teaching, at all ages and levels, of all arts and related therapies, including music, Eurythmy and any art of movement, through the organisation of workshops, courses, performances, conferences, debates, conventions, festivals and training initiatives aimed particularly at the world of youth, educational institutions and professionals.
Our work is based on research and studies within and outside the Association and is carried out through initiatives aimed at the dissemination and development of greater solidarity, altruism and cooperation in human relations, thus contributing to the fight against inequalities, the risks of exclusion and the various forms of discrimination, including the causes of educational and economic-social poverty.
22nd - 24th Aprile 2024
Teatro del Popolo,
Piazza Unità dei Popoli 2, 53034 Colle di Val d'Elsa
Siena, Italy
info@euritmiamediterranea.com festival@euritmiamediterranea.com
Località Sant'Andrea 35A 53034 Colle di Val d'Elsa Siena, Italy
C.F. 91031140527